Wonder what its like to be a raindrop?

wonder what its like to be a raindrop?

cast away from the womb of the mother cloud that created your tiny existence. out into the swirling turbulent world of winds, storms and squalls where your very existence is fraught with danger. Tol be able to reach the ground and be immersed into the soil and become the agent of procreation for everyone for the earth and all those who exist on the surface, and below it .
As you tumble down from your mother's clasp and fall down, you meet others like you on the way down, maybe you will coalesce with them and become a bigger drop, larger in size and volume. Or maybe you will go down alone.
The wind blows into your ears, tries to shake you and move you from your path.
Down and down you go...
your brothers and sisters have already reached the tree tops, many of them have fallen on the leaves and branches. You tumble even further, through the leaves, missing the branches, passing huddled squirrels, sheltering monkeys and then there's the soil at last. You brace yourself for the final impact, one that defines your very existence and the purpose for which you were born so high above.
A metre now, a foot now, there you can see the soil reaching out to you with expectant arms, for you to quench its thirst and make it fertile again...

I turn back and walk inside the house, stopping on the verandah to remove my slippers. It just wont do to walk in with my dripping muddy slippers. The fragrance emitted by the soil is overwhelmingly nostalgic and tantalizing. reminds me of when the rain used to drip from my window sill, she holding on to my arm and leaning back on me. gazing out of the window at the trees swaying in the wind.


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