Visited again

Revisiting a piece of land that could have been mine to cultivate and enjoy the fruits of. But has been lying mostly barren and untilled for most part of the time i have owned it. I spent the last few years cultivating seasonal cash crops of all textures and tastes, but i know none compares to the bounty that this unexplored patch of earth can offer.

The fertile plains of the north, where the mighty vedic rivers water and feed the alluvial soils that sustained me through much of my past half decade and more. Life was easy, so were the women, food was plenty, so were the temptations, and assured bounty from the soil was of course there. But just below the skin lived a demon that constantly nagged and kept reminding me of what i was missing in my life, of what i should have done with that piece of land, and of the potential that piece of land held for me.

I have shifter allegiance to several parcels of land in these past few years, some stints longer than others, and some yields richer than others. On the way, i have had the privilege of meet people who have enriched and layered my existence in ways they hardly realize. But there comes a time when i have to turn back and make a decision regarding the land that has called out to me all these years, which has been my childhood and my growing up years and the years of suppressed angst that followed.

So here i stand, on a ledge a little above the green wet piece of land that i call my own, that calls out to me day and night with unbridled longing. The road down to the field is slippery and wet, the rains have been generous yet fleeting  


Boka Bangali said…
Am glad you are back to blogging again! Keep it going..specially this piece of yours reminds me of my hometown!! Thanks for sharing!

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